Punte di vento, 2023. Plaid, 100% extra-fine merino wool. Photo credit: Lanificio Leo, Lea Anouchinsky, Sara Magni

Serretta Grumello
Punte di vento (wind spikes) is a plaid/blanket moved by the currents that inhabit the atmosphere. The material and warm blanket thus becomes very light, animated by a play of dynamic signs while the colour tells of the nuances of the last ray of sun on the horizon. Manufactured by Lanificio Leo, the oldest textile factory in Calabria, founded in 1973, Punte di vento is made of 100% wool and is produced using an electronic knitting machine with a three-colour jacquard pique technique. The pattern, processed in bitmap, is then transported to the textile cad where each pixel of colour becomes a gesture that the thread will make on the needle.

Marta Lavinia Carboni
Designer and writer, Marta Lavinia Carboni grew up between London, Paris, the sea of Lerici, the mountains of Val d'Ayas and Milan, where she lives and works. With a strong interest in patterns, materials and the use of colour, after a Master's degree in Design at the Scuola Politecnica di Design, she practised in Eliana Maria Lorena's studio and is a researcher at the Milan Polytechnic and the Domus Academy. In 2008 she opened her own studio, developing projects for various companies and producing limited editions under her own brand, m-l-c. Over the years she has participated in exhibitions and fairs in Italy and abroad.