Up, 2024, mobile. Porcelain, plants, textiles, brass, eggshells. Photo credit: Emmanuel Crooÿ
Up is a brand-new site-specific installation. It consists of hybrid objects, in a variety of shapes and sizes, made from plants, metal and porcelain, conceived as interior jewellery swirling in the air. The installation proposes a dialogue between materiality and weightlessness, art and design, nature and counterfeit, precious and obsolete, heaven and earth, life and death.
Thanks to the support of WBI Wallonia-Brussels International.

Alice Pilastre. Photo credit: Morgane Delfosse

Mathilde Tinturier. Photo credit: Greg Clément

Andy Farrow. Photo credit: Emmanuel Crooÿ
In February 2024, a Swiss woman, a British man and a French woman meet in an atelier in Brussels. They spontaneously begin to play, interweaving their practices, assembling and suspending objects, weaving a dialogue between jewellery and nature's treasures, in a carefree way and without any concrete goal. Through modest gestures and minimal interventions, Mathilde plays with natural elements, transforming simple, familiar and seemingly worthless materials. Alice embroiders, weaves, models, sews, assembles and polishes. She creates intimate textures and monumental installations, displacing objects from their original uses. Andy assembles noble or salvaged materials with the same delicacy. He creates jewellery for the body and for space by sublimating plant forms.